
Seven miles below me, I can see the world and it ain't so big at all.

3 commentaires:

  1. Our world is tiny. Consider this: Our solar system is so massive that we can't produce an accurate model of our planets and the sun, because even if we made Earth the size of a pea, in order for the chart to be in scale Jupiter would be about 300 meters away. Then you go out from our solar system, out of the Milky Way into this enormous space with other galaxies(which in turn have their own stars and some junk gravitating around them). One person on Earth is just a tiny speck of almost nothing. There's some consolation to be found in there, I'd say.

  2. missä sä olet kadonnut?!2345

  3. Anonyme5.2.11

    neiti olkaa hyvä ja päivittäkää, että tiedämme että olette vielä elossa


No Bernie Madoffs in here.

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