
And if you feel just like a tourist in the city you were born in /
Then it's time to go /
And define your destination /
There's so many different places to call home

Definitely feeling like a tourist here sometimes. Not always in a bad way, certainly not when sitting on waterfronts and lazing the day away.

I'm selling my stuff (well, not that stuff...) down at Valtteri in the morning, come see a tired and weary me and finance my future travels!

3 commentaires:

  1. a vagabond too, the definite love of your life11.6.11

    vitun suluissa olevat asiat. olin jo lähtökuopissa.

  2. Anonyme12.6.11


    Eikö sinullakin ole tällainen takki, muistelisin jossakin kuvassa nähneeni? Hassu sattuma!

  3. sjutton också!


    ei mulla taida ainakaan ihan samaa olla, vaikka muutamat kirpparoidut baseball-takit kaapista löytyykin!


No Bernie Madoffs in here.

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