
Things to enjoy: bleaching too-short shorts on a dirty floor (splashing chlorine on your bare legs - not so enjoyable), getting all giddy about original 80's vinyl records, getting complimented (although "You're looking better than ever" could sometimes be classified as a reverse compliment...), planning on how to spend massive amounts of money, tanning, attempts at dropping dress sizes, leftover häagen dazs in the freezer.

2 commentaires:

  1. vitun karsee sanahirviö toi häagen dazs vaikeempi ku mun sukunimi :DD

  2. hahah, häagen-dazs olis sukunimenä aika maukas, matilda häagen-dazs hmmmmm nyt vaan jätskitehtaan perillisjahtiin


No Bernie Madoffs in here.

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