Sunday mornings when days become mornings and evenings become days. It's already dark and I'm rearranging furniture and wearing ugly 90's mom-jeans and an ugly beanie and feeling irrationally lonely. The bruises on my legs are starting to fade and I recall the time when I believed that the healing of an injury meant the end of an era. I bet it still does but I'm not aware of it yet.
Lola vs. Powerman & The Moneyground is making me feel like I'm on a journey, a long way away. It's such a cliché but I'm yearning for Berlin in Spring and Southern Europe in Summer. There's a long Winter ahead but it's all going to be alright.
You're just a one big cliché
RépondreSupprimervitun klonkku
RépondreSupprimerA: at least i'm a one big cliché who enjoys being a cliché!
RépondreSupprimerr.s.: vitun aragorn!!!!!!
p.s.: näätkö ton käden tossa takaselän päällä know... kyl sä tiiät...
hahhahaa kiitti nana na naa nana nannannaaa nyt en voi nähdä ekassa kuvassa MITÄÄN muuta ku SITÄ...
RépondreSupprimerKiitti Myll....
Tekis mieli vähä vetää tuosta ekasta kuvvasta;;))
RépondreSupprimeran.: veä tuosta!!
RépondreSupprimeraaa oot niin kaunis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RépondreSupprimervanamo kiitos ja höpö höpö!!!